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garden:start [2021/03/20 17:29]
james created
garden:start [2021/03/20 19:26] (current)
james tagged
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 ==== What we've planted ==== ==== What we've planted ====
 This year's crops include: This year's crops include:
-{{topic>Gdn2021}}+{{topic>2021 +Plants}}
 ==== Garden history ==== ==== Garden history ====
-When have I grown this one, and how did it fare?+What have I grown
 ^  Year  ^  Notes  ^ ^  Year  ^  Notes  ^
 ^ 2021  | [[:garden:history:2021]]  | ^ 2021  | [[:garden:history:2021]]  |
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 ^  [[:start|Home]]  ^  [[:garden:start|Gardening]]  ^  [[:garden:plants:start]]  ^  [[:garden:beds:start]]  ^  [[:study:start|Study Notes]]  ^  [[:start|Home]]  ^  [[:garden:start|Gardening]]  ^  [[:garden:plants:start]]  ^  [[:garden:beds:start]]  ^  [[:study:start|Study Notes]] 
 page created by james at 2021/03/20 17:16 page created by james at 2021/03/20 17:16
-{{tag>untagged garden Garden Start james 2021}}+{{tag>Garden james 2021}}
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