====== Operations Management ====== These are some notes on Operations Management from studying B203 (Business Functions in Context) with the Open University in 2014-15. These are just the bits I want to be sure to remember for the exam, don't rely on them to be comprehensive or anything, I don't tend to make notes about stuff I already know. * [[:study:B203:operations:4v]] * [[:study:B203:operations:performance]] * [[:study:B203:operations:demand]] * [[:study:B203:operations:capacity]] * [[:study:B203:operations:little]] * [[:study:B203:operations:design]] Some revision notes as a word document {{:study:b203:operations:revision_-_operations_management.docx|}} {{:study:b203:operations:om_planning_and_control_mindmap_1_1_.docx|Ops Mind Map}} {{:study:b203:operations:operations_management.doc|}} ===== Bibliography ===== [[book|Slack et al (2007), Operations Management, fifth edition, Prentice Hall]] also some online content at [[http://www.pearsoned.co.uk/slack]] ^ [[:study:B203:start|B203 Notes]] ^ [[:study:start|Study Notes]] ^ [[http://www.themself.org/]] ^ [[:start|Home]] ^ {{tag>B203 study operations}}