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study:events:start [2015/09/02 10:29] (current)
james created
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 +====== Organising an Event or Seminar ======
 +Here is a big list of things to do, or at least think about when you are organizing an event or seminar of some kind. Treat this as a set of guidelines for the wise rather than a mandatory checklist. 
 +====== Ten weeks ahead =====
 +  - Agree theme and objectives for the day / liaise with appropriate themed group and performance advisor. 
 +  - Draft list of potential attendees and speakers 
 +  - Agree possible dates and check availability of venue and key speakers
 +  - Canvass attendees for best date and what they want to discuss 
 +  - Also useful to check if any relevant other bodies are planning any big events near possible dates, as often people don’t want to be out of the office for two days close to each other.
 +  - create page on website/wiki to invite people, and send round a meeting invitation as a placeholder  
 +====== Six – eight weeks ahead ======
 +===== Agenda and speakers =====
 +  - Ensure venue is booked
 +  - Draft agenda, remembering that a few delegates will always drift off at lunchtime and that it’s very hard to keep to the timetable – worth building some slack in. 
 +  - If this is to be run on more than one day - establish any differences between each day with opening / closing remarks and rooms (draft separate agenda if necessary – only if you are planning more than one day)
 +  - Ensure all speakers are available to present on the day – develop a backup in case of last minute cancellation. Get confirmation from speakers.
 +  - Send out invitations (including purpose of event, draft agenda, possible attendees, dress code,  dietary requirements, who to respond to) – very latest six weeks before the events
 +  - Put details on website/wiki and in the calendar invitation you've sent all the attendees
 +====== Up to four weeks before ======
 +===== Content =====
 +  - Decide what we want the content to be
 +  - Identify one person to co-ordinate slides for presentations (to be in a standard format).
 +  - Commission presenters: 
 +    * Tell them exactly what you want them to cover
 +    * Make it clear how much time they have to speak.
 +    * Don't forget to make allowances for questions
 +    * give them a copy of the standard slide background and make them agree to have the slides ready five days before the session, so there is time to compile and print up the slide pack. Warn them that any later is too late and that it’s not possible to take disks on the day. 
 +  - Plan any "open sessions" that require facilitation 
 +    * develop any group work examples to be undertaken on the day
 +    * identify your facilitators & the groups they will look after
 +  - Draft speaker notes / script for any of the openers/closers 
 +  - Agree which speakers are using slides / handouts etc
 +  - Decide what you will do with delegates who do not attend – both no-shows and people who made it clear in advance that they could not attend. Eg send slides
 +===== Administration =====
 +  - Maintain list of who is coming
 +  - Develop delegate pack to be handed out on the day  – agenda, presentation slides, delegate list etc. It’s always best to assume that at least some people will not bother to print out and bring whatever was emailed out to them.
 +  - Draft an evaluation sheet to be handed out at the end of the day, dated, so it’s possible to tell which feedback is for which day if a multi-day event. (to go into the packs)
 +  - Draft a contacts sheet to get accurate details of everyone who turns up
 +  - Obtain any folders / name badges etc, required for the day. Prepare name badges in advance and have them in alphabetical order, to save time on the day.
 +  - Work out the order for papers to go in the folder, so that on the day, the piles can be put in order and people can work from left to right to stuff the folders.
 +  - Decide if people want any “glossy” publications in piles around the room, and order and arrange to courier them.
 +===== The venue… =====
 +  - Review venue - rooms / how near are they to each other, how quickly can a partition be established etc.
 +  - Decide on room layout
 +  - Ensure Lunch / tea & coffee is provided (and what time it will be required). Check special dietary requirements are met. Get phone number of people to hassle if the coffee doesn’t turn up
 +  - Establish what can and cannot be done to the venue (e.g. – putting pictures / flip chart sheets on the wall)
 +  - Ask the venue what can be done the day before (leave laptops in the room or in storage etc).
 +  - Check if it’s possible leave boxes overnight, and if they will allow couriers to collect as well as deliver.
 +  - Ensure the venue has the necessary IT / light projector / laptop as appropriate
 +  - Ensure delegates can find their way from arrival at the venue to the specific meeting room – print up signs with arrows if necessary
 +  - Check there are secure cloakroom facilities
 +===== Assign roles and responsibilities =====
 +  - Decide who will introduce the day, and be the link between presentations, deal with questions etc
 +  - Decide who will be “greeter” for delegates
 +  - Decide who will do the reception desk.
 +  - Decide who will greet speakers and show them the equipment, talk them through timing, signals from timekeeper etc.
 +  - Agree note takers – to write on flip charts during open sessions,  and to take a note of questions and answers and presentations with no slides during other sessions, 
 +  - Agree who will “shepherd” delegates back to the room after breaks
 +  - All this should be put into a “roles” doc so everyone knows what they are doing
 +====== A Few Days before ======
 +===== Content =====
 +  - Compile the slide pack, using everyone’s presentations. Check for overlap between slides and let presenters know if you have had to change any of their slides. Check builds, font etc all consistent
 +  - Check that the laptop to be used on the day has all the necessary applications loaded on it.
 +===== Administration =====
 +  - Get a contacts list of speakers’ office & mobile details so they can be tracked down if they are late.
 +  - Draft / print any posters for the day (if required) eg directing people to workshop rooms etc
 +  - Printing - print up sets of everything to go in delegate packs. 
 +  - Arrange for the boxes to be couriered. We always put addresses and contact details on the inside as well as the outside of the boxes. Follow “Restricted marking” guidelines if necessary. Check that the venue is happy to receive them.
 +  - Print up stickers to go on each folder to brand them with the details of the event.
 +  - Make sure everyone on the roles document (see above) has been briefed and can still make the event
 +====== On the day ======
 +**//Useful things to have with you on the day: scissors, everyone’s mobile numbers, speakers’ contact details, stopwatch for timing, post its, blu tac, extension cord, spare markers etc//** 
 +  - Arrive early enough to sort out problems etc 
 +  - Get Health & Safety briefing from venue and include in introductions
 +  - Bring all printed material / handouts that wasn’t couriered. Bring one complete set of couriered material to photocopy if the courier crashes on the way!
 +  - Have a backup copy of all presentations and documents on another laptop or CD
 +  - Ensure all IT requirements are available / working for the day 
 +  - Check off names of attendees and draft list of who did not turn up
 +  - Send the contacts sheet round the room during the day, so delegates can fill it in – then we know who actually came and also have all their details
 +  - Collect evaluation forms
 +====== After the day ======
 +  - Write up a summary of the day to circulate with slides using the contact details you have collected, including the non-attendees
 +  - Put this info on the website / wiki 
 +  - Draft a post-seminar report (collate feedback from evaluation forms, summary of the day, include all points raised, answers to questions, contact details, actions planned etc) 
 +  - Take forward any actions necessary 
 +  - Send thank you notes to speakers
 +  - Prepare a note to update SLT on how the event(s) went (could be covered by summary of day)
 +{{tag>events organization seminar howto}}
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