Table of Contents

Information Management

NB do not confuse this with ICT (not that I would, when I read Information Manager I think Librarian1)).


Defining information management

Given the definition of information above, ‘information management’ can be defined: ‘The conscious process by which information is gathered and used to assist in decision making at all levels of an organisation’ (Kerslake and Moultrie, 1998, p.58).

Information as a Resource

Information Management suggests that information is a resource, and it is but not in the same way as other resources (e.g. money). Information is multi-dimensional (e.g. formal or informal, structured, quantity v quality etc)

Information is harder to quantify as a resource, information has specific values for specific purposes, and not all of these can be divined in advance.

detailed revision notes b203_revision_notes_-_information_management.docx

not Pterry's Librarian, there is no Ook!